Monday, August 1, 2011


Ok all of you people who feel that the way our ancestors did immigration was all right because we all followed the rules. You need to shut the hell up. You have no idea what you're talking about while extolling your rudimentary knowledge of history. Our ancestors came here because there were no immigration laws until the 1920s. So, no, great grandpa Giuseppi did not do it "legally" following the "rules" because there weren't any. Get off your high horse and ask yourself how the Indians (They're not native to America any more than my family is, they're native to Asia and just lived here longer. Sorry.) felt about these "legal" immigrants showing up on their shores and throwing small pox infected blankets into their camps to spread disease and thin out the population. They probably weren't too terribly keen on the whole concept of immigration at that point in time.
There are fixes for immigration, none of which involves treating these people like criminals. Try maybe pressuring their government to provide for its citizens the way the anti-immigration people inevitably bitch about us doing. Maybe have Americans get off their high horse and stoop to doing the work these immigrants do at minimum wage.
Either way, shut the hell up about our forefathers doing things "right" You know nothing and need to be treated with the derision and scorn your ignorant comments deserve.

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