Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The Horror of the MEDIA!!!

Let's all whine a chorus to the media. The biased, corrupt, liberal, conservative, fascist, commie media that corrupts our precious youth and skews Americans' vision of politics. If you read any story on yahoo or google even remotely concerning politics and then scroll down to the horror that is the comments you will find that web 2.0 users hate and blame the media. Amidst the sprawling tapestry of American ignorance and hubris that is celebrated in every comments section you will find no less than 200 references to the "media". Who is this shadowy underworld "Media" they talk about so scornfully? What power do they wield? What backroom deals are they finalizing to send us all to the abyss of ruin?
Well, if you read a bit deeper...except for Rupert Murdoch who is a very dangerous combination of a moron, an Alzheimer patient and fascist (Alzmorist) the media doesn't do a whole lot. They report the news and, yes, they can put whatever slant on it they want, but at the end of the day, the American people will blame them if their views don't match with what's reported. If you like Obama you can blame the media for making him look bad. If you like Boehner (Boner?) you can blame the media for making him look ignorant.
The reality is that, unless you're foolish enough to believe Fox news, you will read what the nasty media says, discard what is clearly bullshit or bias and draw your own conclusions. Unless you're an idiot.
Sadly, I've done an informal poll and there are, roughly, 208 million idiots in the United States alone. People that should not only never have access to a computer and the ability to spread their plague of ignorance across the entire world, but people who are so clearly misguided or flat out dangerously stupid that it's a wonder they can form words in anything resembling English at all and every single idiot out there blames the "media". I'm surprised, to be honest, that most of them can even use the word media in a sentence, let alone spell it.
If you hate the media don't watch it or read the stories or, here's an idea...draw your own conclusions like a big boy or girl! If you believe Fox news seek psychiatric help and burn your computer so you can't drag down the mean IQ online.

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