Monday, June 6, 2011

What Message Are We Sending To The CHILDREN????

All right you freaks, here's the message that YOU are sending to your kids when you bemoan what message something on television sends to the kids: I am incapable of being a parent.
Who gives a rat's fuck what message is being sent? If you don't like something don't let your precious little asshole kids watch it. Simple. If you're so worried about the pervasive influence MTV has on your 16 year old daughter and how she's going to get pregnant so she can be on their "reality TV" shows then pay attention to what your kid's doing. If you've had an open and honest dialog with your kids then you have a much better chance of stemming off their reality TV desire to get pregnant than  if you cry about how morally wrong television is. Television's job is to sell. If you don't like it become Amish.
Ah...yes...but there is the crux of the problem. Dialog. We love to tell our kids what to do. We love to tell our kids what not to do. But do we talk to them? Do we treat them like they have minds of their own and give them the courtesy of discourse? Or do we simply tell them to not fuck up and then go back to commenting on how morally wrong the media is?
Everyone who does this deserves everything bad that their kids are going to do, because you're not being a parent, you're being a useless, pontificating rat fuck candy ass who never should breed in the first place. Be a fucking parent you ignorant son of a bitch, Spend less time talking down to your kids and a bit more time talking to them.

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