Saturday, May 7, 2011

Tea Party

Ok, I saw one of those Tea Party bumper stickers and I started is this shit? Silent majority no more? Is there proof you were in the silent majority? What stats do you have to offer to support your supposition? What if you're NOT in the silent majority? What if you are all just a bunch of low rent Nazis and people like ME are, in fact, the silent majority? And has anyone actually mentioned to these weasels what the Boston Tea Party was all about to begin with? You know, the "no taxation without representation" thing. Do they know this? And, if they do know this, what the hell does the tea party have to do with reducing federal spending?
Assuming, probably likely, that most of these people that slap these ludicrous stickers on their car are Republican-leaning right wingers, are they aware that George W. Bush inherited a $127 billion surplus and when "dubyah" left office he had amassed a $1.17 trillion dollar deficit? Last I checked dubyah was a right wing freak...just down these assholes' alley. Where were the "silent majority" when Bush was whoring himself to every special interest in America? Presumably...they were silent.
If anything holds true about Tea Partiers is that they are far from silent. In fact, they won't shut the hell up. They also have no concept as to what the original (and still best) tea party was all about. They just thought it sounded American and righteous. Well, no. It sounds stupid and inane. Rather than blame Obama for the spending and deficit maybe they should hold the mirror up and look long and hard. These are the same people who shoot down tax increases to help schools because most of them have already had their kids put through school and why should their hard-earned dollars go to help anyone else? They continue to think that way until someone mentions social security in which case their granny panties get all bunched up and they angrily decry any attempt to fix a broken ass system that won't be there for anyone in ten years.
The Tea Party needs to do America a favor. They should all dress like Indians and throw themselves in a harbor somewhere. Or, failing that, they should shut the fuck up and go back to pretending to be the majority...complete with the silence.

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