Friday, April 29, 2011


Just some food for thought...get it? Food? Apple? HA! Anyway...there are a few things I've noticed recently that would make alot of sense for Apple. They could make a movie like the new Tron one but have a scene where the protagonist arrives in an arena designed by Apple. There could be 7 programs all equally spaced from each other golf clapping but looking fantastic and over everything, the disembodied head of Steve Jobs could lord, occasionally screaming about how the programs are holding things wrong.
They could also get involved in the food industry. Make Apple brand Doritos. There'd only be 6 in a bag and they'd charge 80 dollars a bag but, damn! Those chips would look FANTASTIC! And, judging by Apple's minimalist approach to everything there will eventually only be one button on the Mac (we're going to market the same OS over and over because we can). The one button will be completely useless and esoteric but will be completely, utterly circular. It will be flawless.
I hate Apple. They are the Fascists of the computer industry and should be treated with the disdain they deserve. Plain and simple.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Jesus ignored the cardinal rule of PvP...never PvP in enemy territory...especially without a weapon. So...basically, as I understand it, Jesus got ganked by the Romans at the behest of the Jews. He got offed on a Friday but was suffering from some crazy lag and didn't respawn until Sunday. Keep in mind that, even with the crappy sub dial-up connection, he was also being corpse-camped by the Romans so, yeah...can't really blame him.
Now, Sunday came and he rezzed in time for brunch. After brunch he shot the shit with his apostles. When his vacation time was up after 40 days he got recalled like a defective Pinto leaving only some cryptic remarks about returning and a massive Goddamn bar tab.
Either Jesus is waiting for his PTO to accrue enough to come back, or, for every millenia he spends in heaven he gets some extra rest XP, or something because he has not returned, yet. Except to crazy people who eat paint chips.
Isn't it also possible that Jesus was simply a happy-go-lucky hippy who thought we should be nice to each other and got whacked for it?
Regardless, the morale of this story is either:
1) Don't PvP without a weapon and, if you are on the rest of your guild to come off the asshole that's doing it.
2) Don't believe everything you read in a book by a bunch of primates 2000 years ago that were one step away from bashing each other with leg bones and figuring out fire.