Saturday, April 14, 2012


I have a confession. I am a gamer. Whew. I feel better. I seek escape through alternative realities that have little to do with bills and sick kids and work. In this alternate environment I can be a great and mighty hero or a vile and despicable villain. My choice.
Not only am I a gamer but I'm also going to school to design and write for video games. I will have spent 57,000 dollars by the time I graduate learning how to create the games of my dreams.
Having said all of that let me say that it's getting to the point that I cannot stand gamers.
Don't get me wrong, most gamers are fine. We're intelligent, somewhat socially awkward, funny, curious and just flat-out odd individuals who choose to spend their free time gaming. However, there is a growing minority (or, much like politics) a more vocal minority who are just vile, repugnant, self-righteous, falsely entitled cretins who hide behind a smokescreen of anonymity to spew venom and opinon based on nothing more than a simmering disgust of how pathetic their own lives are.
They are misanthropes and spoiled little brat children who never grew up properly. They hate everything and everyone, mostly themselves, and the internet has given them the tools they need to spread their stupidity and half-assed opinons across message boards the world over.
Nothing is ever good enough for them. Nothing is ever right. No one is ever as perfect as they, evidently, think themselves to be. They could do so much better but don't feel they can right now because their mom's basement isn't big enough to give them the space they need to do the work properly.
They have no idea how difficult and time consuming it is to build a game. They have no idea how much goes into it. All they know is they are miserable and need to spread their misery to as many people as they can because only through spreading their uninformed and hateful curse can they ever truly be happy. They are a plague on the gaming industry. They are a plague on themselves.
They cannot be reasoned with or cajoled or taught. They think they're so very smart and some of them can even use big words mostly in context to try to get their opinions across.
Well, here's a tip for all of you misanthropic, sadistic pricks. Fuck off and die. Every single last one of you. Go stick your fucking tongue in a light socket and blow yourself through a wall. You have never done or created anything. All you do is poison everything you see with vitriol and venom. Go fuck yourself then die in a house fire.
Subtlety is too good for you assholes. Fuck you and all and the hate you spew.